Social equity in design, planning & implementation of NbS

Recently Petra Holden contributed to a short course run through ARUA-CD as part of the Supporting Partnerships and Networking (SPaN) project. The free, open access course, titled, Multistakeholder collaboration for equitable and climate-resilient landscapes, responds to the real needs of early-career researchers working in landscape management and governance. Petra's lesson focused on social equity and its consideration in the design, planning and implementation of nature-based solutions.

Responding to the real needs of early-career researchers working in landscape management and governance, PiNC Lab’s Dr Petra Holden contributed to this free, open access shourt course, titled, Multistakeholder collaboration for equitable and climate-resilient landscapes.

Its lessons focus on social equity and its consideration in the design, planning and implementation of nature-based solutions. It was run through the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Climate and Development (ARUA-CD) initiative, as part of the Supporting Partnerships and Networking (SPaN) project

Watch the lesson here. Or read more about the course and how to access the full lesson plan here.


Highlighting stories of social (in)equity in nature-based solutions


NbS and its role in addressing multiple socio-environmental crises