
Peer-reviewed publications

Holden PB, Eckardt F, Ziervogel G, Jack SL, New MG, Smit J, Visser M, Hoffman MT. Under revision. Methodological and epistemological pluralism in evidence-based conservation. Conservation Biology (manuscript ID: 21-590.R1). Simpson NP, Mach KJ, Tebboth MGL, Gilmore EA, Siders AR, Holden P, Anderson B, Singh C, Sabour S, Stringer LC, Sterly H, Williams PA, Meyer ALS, Cundill G, Rosengaertner S, Nunow A, Amakrane K, Trisos, C.

Nine Adaptation Research Priorities for Climate Mobility. One Earth (manuscript ID: ONE-EARTH-D-23-00558)
Holden PB, Rebelo AJ, Wolski P, Odoulami R, Lawal K, Kimutai J, Nkemelang T, New MG. 2022. Nature-based solutions in mountain catchments reduce impact of anthropogenic climate change on drought streamflow. Communications Earth & Environment 3:51.

Rebelo AJ, Holden PB, Hallowes J, Eady B, Cullis J, Esler KJ, New MG. 2022. The hydrological impacts of restoration: a modelling study of alien tree clearing in four mountain catchments in South Africa. Journal of Hydrology 610.

Holden PB, Rebelo AJ, New MG. 2021. Mapping invasive alien trees in water towers: a combined approach using satellite data fusion, drone technology and expert engagement. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 21.

Holden PB, Ziervogel G, Hoffman TM, New MG. 2021. Transition from subsistence grazing to nature-based recreation: A nuanced view of land abandonment in a mountain social-ecological system, southwestern Cape, South Africa. Land Use Policy 105.

Midgley SJE, Esler KJ, Holden PB, Rebelo AJ, Stuart-Hill SI, Cullis JDS, Methner N. 2021. Typologies of collaborative governance for scalable nature-based solutions in two strategic South African river systems. Ambio 50: 587–1609.

Rebelo AJ, Gokool S, Holden PB, New MG. 2021. Can Sentinel-2 be used to detect invasive alien trees and shrubs in Savanna and Grassland Biomes? Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23.

Rebelo AJ, Holden PB, Esler KJ, New MG. 2021. Benefits of water-related ecological infrastructure investments to support sustainable land use: a review of evidence from two critically stressed water management areas in South Africa. Royal Society Open Science 8.4.

Sellberg MM, Cockburn J, Holden PB, Lam D. 2021. Towards a caring transdisciplinary research practice: navigating science, society and self. Ecosystems and People 17:1, 292-305.

Holden PB, Smit J. 2019. Accuracy of automatic aerial triangulation with bundle block adjustment on large historical image blocks in mountainous terrain. South African Journal of Geomatics 8(1): 12-29.

Otto FEL, Wolski P, Lehner F, Tebaldi C, van Oldenborgh GJ, Hogesteeger S, Singh R, Holden P, Fuckar NS, Odoulami RC, New M. 2018. Anthropogenic influence on the drivers of the Western Cape drought 2015-2017.
Environmental Research Letters 13.

Bourne A, Holness S, Holden P, Scorgie S, Donatti CI, Midgley G. 2016. A socio-ecological approach for identifying and contextualising spatial ecosystem-based adaptation priorities at the sub-national level. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155235.

Crookes DJ, Blignaut JN, de Wit MP, Esler KJ, Le Maitre DC, Milton SJ, Mitchell SA, Cloete J, de Abreu P, Fourie H, Gull K, Marx D, Mugido W, Ndhlovu T, Nowell M, Pauw M, Rebelo A. 2013. System dynamic modelling to assess economic viability and risk trade-offs for ecological restoration in South Africa. Journal of Environmental
Management 120: 138-147.

Book chapters

Holden P, Cockburn J, Shackleton S, Rosenberg E. 2019. Supporting and developing competencies for transdisciplinary postgraduate research: A PhD scholar perspective. In Kremers KL, Liepins AS, York AM. (Eds) Developing Change Agents: Innovative Practices for Sustainability Leadership. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

Bourne A, Pasquini L, Donatti CI, Holden P, Scorgie S. 2017. Strengthening the role of local authorities to support community-based adaptation: The case of South Africa. In Atela J, Huq S, Ochieng C, Orindi V, Owiyo T. (Eds) Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries Through Community-Based Adaptation. African Centre for Technology Studies.

Technical reports

Glenday J, Gokool S, Gwapedza D, Holden P, Rebelo A, Tanner J, Jumbi F, Metho P. 2022. Critical catchment model inter-comparison and model use guidance development. Water Research Commission.

Popular articles

Holden PB, Rebelo AJ, Wolski P, Odoulami RC, Lawal KA, Kimutai J, Nkemelang T, New MG. 2022. Clearing alien trees can help reduce climate change impact on Cape Town’s water supply. The Conversation.

Rebelo AJ, Esler KJ, New MG, Holden PB. 2022. Removing alien plants can save water: we measured how much. The Conversation.

Rebelo AJ, Le Maitre DC, New MG, Johnston P, Holden PB, Nkemelang T, Rebelo T. 2019. What science tells us about fire hazards facing Cape Town and its surrounds. The Conversation.

Midgley GM, de Abreu P. 2013. Anticipating the physical climate change impacts in South Africa. Guest Comment. The South African business response to climate change: Is it delivering the required performance? Carbon Disclosure Project, South Africa, Climate Change Report, National Business Initiative.

Blignaut J, Crooke D, de Abreu P, Ndhlovu T, Pauw M, Vlok H, Mugido W, Makumbe M, Nowel M. 2010. Restoration in South Africa – site 1, restoration of the natural veld in the Little Karoo. Quest 6: 26-30.

Knowledge products

Holden P, Hoffman T, Djenontin INS, Esler K, Gannon K, Humphrey G, Mbidzo M, Mtati N, New M, Ndlovu V,
Razafimanantsoa AHI, Rebelo AJ, Savory S, Thorn JPR, Visser M & Ziervogel G. 2023. Stories of social (in)equity in nature-based solutions.

Holden P, Blanckenberg M, Hoffman T. 2023. What is needed in southern Africa to ensure equitable nature-based solutions. Workshop summary.

Coldrey K, Cullis J, Esler K, Fold N, Gokool S, Hallowes J, Holden P, Methner N, Midgley S, New M, Olesen RS, Pasgaard M, Rasmussen LV, Rebelo A, Shackleton S. 2022. Ecological infrastructure for water and socio-economic security. Investment brief.

Glenday J, Gokool S, Gwapedza D, Holden P, Rebelo A, Tanner J, Jumbi F, Metho P. 2022. Hydromodel SA Wiki:
guidance for researchers and practitioners working on hydrological modelling projects in South Africa

Holden P, Hoffman T, Shackleton S. 2022. Nature-based solutions and social equity framework: how can a focus on social equity in nature-based solutions help to address societal challenges from the ground up?

Pasgaard M, Coldrey K, Cullis J, Esler K, Fold N, Gokool S, Hallowes J, Holden P, Methner N, Midgley S, New M, Olsen RS, Rasmussen LV, Rebelo A, Shackleton S. 2022. How can investment in ecological infrastructure increase water security and alleviate poverty? Policy brief.

Datasets & code